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Cyberbullying can take different shapes and forms. Our youngsters can be bullied

  • by mean and threatening text messages.
  • by dumb calls.
  • by online defamation as revenge for an offline grudge.
  • by upsetting emails.
  • by people who set up fake accounts on social networking platforms using real pictures.
  • by people who hack into someone’s email or social media account and send fake messages to her contact list.
  • when pictures that are supposed to have been private are made public.
  • by insulting comments made by their harasser. Parenting TeamCyberbullyingParenting Digital Nativescyberbullying,Cyberbullying in Pakistan,digital natives  Cyberbullying can take different shapes and forms. Our youngsters can be bullied by mean and threatening text messages. by dumb calls. by online defamation as revenge for an offline grudge. by upsetting emails. by people who set up fake accounts on social networking platforms using real pictures. by people who hack into someone's email or...Be  Smart Parents