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What is a Preschooler?

A preschooler is a child who is three to five years old. This is the age when children are mature enough to understand their surroundings well. They are on a journey to explore everything around them by seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, and listening. Their gross and fine motor skills are still developing. This is a crucial age for children to learn about themselves and their surroundings. Preschoolers mostly learn by playing. They love physical activities and are usually more energetic than toddlers. They can also express themselves more strongly than toddlers due to their refined language skills. Parenting TeamPre-SchoolersWhat is a Preschooler?children,kids,preschoolersWhat is a Preschooler? A preschooler is a child who is three to five years old. This is the age when children are mature enough to understand their surroundings well. They are on a journey to explore everything around them by seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, and listening. Their gross and...Be  Smart Parents