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Cognitive Milestones

Children start learning as soon as they come into this world but their learning skills are refined as they grow up. Their thinking becomes more mature and logical. Below are some of the cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestones your child must reach during his school years.

Your child (five to seven years of age)

  • should be able to stay focused for a longer time.
  • understands the rules of different games.
  • is able to plan different activities.
  • is able to answer complicated questions regarding who, what, why and where.
  • knows the basic concepts of reading, writing, and mathematics.
  • can follow instructions that are at least three steps long.

Your child (seven to nine years of age)


  • can tell time and develops a mature sense of time regarding morning, evening, midnight, yesterday, next week, etc.
  • can read a story book without his parents’ help.
  • can pay attention to a play or project for 30–45 minutes.
  • starts looking for the reasons behind why things happening.
  • starts thinking about things he has read or heard or imagines unseen things.
  • can name the days of the week and months of the year in order.
  • can memorize more and more poems, as well as the names of places such as shopping malls and restaurants.
  • can argue with his parents and teachers by giving solid examples.
  • can plan things with the help of his parents, peers or teachers, or by writing or drawing. Parenting TeamMilestones in a School-Age Child’s Developmentchildren,Cognitive Milestones,kids,milestones,school,school going childrenCognitive Milestones Children start learning as soon as they come into this world but their learning skills are refined as they grow up. Their thinking becomes more mature and logical. Below are some of the cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestones your child must reach during his school years. Your child (five...Be  Smart Parents