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Tips for Mompreneurs

Sources of Inspiration

Sometimes you need inspiration and it is nowhere to be found.  On those days, the savvy mompreneur just has to look a little harder.  Here are five sources of inspiration that can help you get back on track when you’ve fallen into a bit of a rut.

The News.

Often the news feels like the last place you will find inspiration, but there is actually a lot opportunities hidden there.  Use the news to find out about what is happening in your industry; you never know what might pique  your interest.

Your Network.

The people in your network may be aware of opportunities that you’ve never even considered.  When you’re talking to your contacts, always keep both your ears and your mind open.

Other Entrepreneurs’ Stories.

Only another entrepreneur can truly appreciate the challenges and triumphs of starting your own business.  When you hear the stories of entrepreneurs who have overcome tough obstacles and built a successful business, it makes you wonder what you might be able to accomplish if you put your mind to it.

Your Customers.

The success of your business will always depend on how well you understand your customers.  Take some time to talk to them and get to know them.  They may be able to provide you with a perspective that will help you make improvements to your business.

Your Children.

Nothing is as inspiring as your child’s little face looking up at you.  Hold on to that image and bring it out on the days when you need to climb a little higher.

Tips for Mompreneurs described above can tranfsorm your life positively.


(Written by: Karen Bivand  ) Parenting TeamMompreneursMompreneurs Newsmompreneurs,Pak Parenting,PakistanTips for Mompreneurs Sources of Inspiration Sometimes you need inspiration and it is nowhere to be found.  On those days, the savvy mompreneur just has to look a little harder.  Here are five sources of inspiration that can help you get back on track when you’ve fallen into a bit of...Be  Smart Parents