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Your Baby’s Growth in the Second Trimester


Your second trimester is when your baby bump begins to show, and if you have not already told the people around you, it will announce to the world that your baby on his or her way into this world. Your second trimester covers months four through six, or weeks 13 to 28.

Here are some of the key highlights of your second trimester:

  1. Ultrasound to Check the Overall Growth of Your Baby: You will be advised by your doctor to get an ultrasound screening test. This test is done in the fifth month of your pregnancy. Your doctor will advise you when to get it done, either at the start of the month or by the end. This is a thorough screening which checks the overall growth of your baby and all its body parts.
  2. Baby’s Gender: In Pakistan, people are very concerned about the baby’s gender. Baby boys are welcomed, but news of a baby girl is usually not considered very good news. This depends on many factors, however. If your first baby is a little girl, then it is alright, but once you have already had a couple of girls, then you will be made to feel sad by the people around you.
  3. Pakistani Society and Your Baby’s Gender: Our recommendation is to not ask your baby’s gender if it is not your first pregnancy, or if you know that news of a baby girl might affect your emotional well being. At least for a mom, the baby is important whether a girl or a boy. Take care of your health and your baby’s health. Let the gender be a secret to be revealed at the time of delivery.
  4. Baby’s Movement: In the fifth month, you may start feeling your baby move, which is a very exciting moment for a mom. In some cases, women don’t feel their baby moving till the sixth or seventh month. This is more common in a first pregnancy when women cannot identify their baby’s movements at an earlier stage of pregnancy.
  5. Development of Hearing: The baby’s ears are developing at this stage. After a few days, your baby will hear sounds—he or she will even hear you chewing food. Now, you can sing or talk to your body. Pakistani women (of any religion) are advised to recite religious verses from their respective holy books so that their baby can hear holy words even in the womb of his or her mother.
  6. Visible Baby Bump: Your baby is gaining weight and so are you. Your baby bump is visible now and you’ll need to look for comfortable clothes. Particularly if you are a working woman, you’ll need to plan ahead for your maternity wardrobe.
  7. Baby’s Eyes, Eye Lashes and Eyebrows: In the sixth month—or 19th and 20th week—your baby’s eyes, eye lashes and eye brows are growing.
  8. Regular Doctor’s Visits: You may be asked to get another scan by your doctor. Don’t forget to see your gynaecologist at your scheduled visits.
  9. Weight Gain: You have gained more weight at this point. Avoid eating sugary foods and drinks so that you don’t put on unnecessary weight.
  10. Food Cravings: Some women develop certain food cravings. If you crave a particular food, go for it, but make sure it isn’t adding up to unnecessary weight gain.
  11. Life Inside the Womb: Your baby is living life inside your womb just as babies outside of the womb live life: he or she sleeps, plays (in the form of movements), and smiles, relaxes—all of which will be felt by you. Parenting TeamPregnancyStages of PregnancyPregnancy,Pregnancy management,Pregnancy stagesYour Baby's Growth in the Second Trimester   Your second trimester is when your baby bump begins to show, and if you have not already told the people around you, it will announce to the world that your baby on his or her way into this world. Your second trimester covers...Be  Smart Parents