Baby Food Reminders for Pakistani Parents
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Baby Food Reminders for Pakistani Parents
- Don’t Cook Yummy Dishes Just for Your Baby: In Pakistan, you’ll often come across a mom who will tell you that she only makes yummy food especially for her baby. This is fine if you can do it forever, but realistically, it is not sustainable, and ultimately, your baby will grow up and will have only a few favourite foods that you used to make.
- Let Them Eat Spicy Family Food: Introduce your child to every food that will be included in family meals at a later time. Parents in Pakistan sometimes avoid introducing general family foods because they are spicy. The result of this is that their children do not develop a taste for spicy food and remain hungry. Let your child eat everything you are cooking for your family if you want him/her to develop a taste for your family food, even if it is spicy. Just like with other foods that are eaten regularly, he/she will develop a preference for spicy food, too.
- Make Healthy Changes in the Overall Family Meal: At the same time, it is important that you drop a food if you think it is too spicy because too much spice is neither good for you nor good for your baby. In fact, making healthy changes in the overall family meal is recommended. Not only is it healthier for the whole family, it will keep you from having to cook a second, separate meal for your child.
- Let Your Child Eat What the Family Eats: Let your baby taste suitable foods from the family’s menu if you want him or her to grow up to be a normal and healthy child. Occasionally, you can cook something specifically for your baby but avoid doing that on a routine basis. The attitude of ‘I don’t like this or that’ is the result of a child’s mother limiting his or her food choices during childhood.
- Keep on Trying: Never give up if your baby won’t eat a particular food that is beneficial to him/her. A baby will usually show interest after trying a new food eight to ten times. Many parents in Pakistan offer a food only once or twice and then give up, assuming that the baby doesn’t like that food. In some cases, that particular food is then off of their kid’s menu forever.
- Offer a Variety of Foods: Be careful that you don’t teach your child to have limited tastes based on your own food preferences. For example, in many families spinach is not eaten, and it is boasted that their kids don’t like spinach, ignoring its important benefits. In other families, parents do not eat many vegetables and proudly announce that their kids only like nuggets, potato chips, etc. Still other parents are proud that their kids don’t like red meat. Parents need to introduce a large variety of healthy foods as part of their baby’s menu if they don’t want him or her to grow up to be a picky eater.
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