Menu of Baby Finger Food
Menu of Baby Finger Food
There are no rules about your baby finger food menu, but it can still be a big problem to plan their food. Adapt whatever you are making for the family to your baby’s needs so that it’s easier for you to offer him/her a variety of food. Try fruits, vegetables, and meat in different forms. Everything that you feel is suitable for your baby can be offered in bite-size pieces. So, enjoy making your own baby finger food menu. You can take help from our suggestions.
You can try the following items:
- Well-cooked pasta cut into small pieces
- Small pieces of chapatii/rotti
- Pieces of fully ripened fruit (without the peel/skin)
- Well-cooked rice
- Pieces of fully cooked soft vegetables (vegetables from the handi can be used, but wash them first to make them less spicy)
- Fully boiled eggs cut into small pieces
- Thin slices of fully cooked meat, poultry, or fish cut into very small pieces (again, a piece of meat can be taken from the handi and made into small pieces for your baby)
- Small pieces of different fruits.Let your baby taste all available fruits .
Note: You should cut food into very small, pea-sized pieces that the child does not have to bite off and that are small enough to be eaten in one mouthful. Alternatively, you can give your baby large pieces that cannot be swallowed whole but that can be chewed on. FeedingMenu of Baby Finger Food There are no rules about your baby finger food menu, but it can still be a big problem to plan their food. Adapt whatever you are making for the family to your baby's needs so that it’s easier for you to offer him/her a variety...Pak Parenting Teamkhadija Imtinanadmin@pakparenting.comAdministratorPak Parenting
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