Finger Food for Your Baby
What Is Finger Food?
Any small piece of food that your baby can pick up and eat in one go can be called finger food.
The ‘finger food stage’ is a great stage as far as your baby’s mental and physical development is concerned. It is the stage when your baby becomes independent, which in turn leads to your independence as a mom. When your baby learns to eat on his/her own, you’ll feel relieved.
Important Pointers for Baby’s Finger Food
The following are tips that can help you during your baby’s finger food stage:
Introduction of Finger Food: You can introduce finger food when your baby has developed a ‘pincer grip’, i.e. when he/she can pick up something between his/her thumb and index finger. Finger food can usually be introduced between six to nine months of age. Most kids can pick up food at nine months.
Awkwardness in Eating: Your baby’s grasp on the food may at first show awkwardness. Don’t assume that he/she is not ready and that you must continue to feed him/her. Your baby will develop a more mature grip and will start eating independently. Clumsiness is a first step towards maturity—expect a big mess!
Comparing Your Baby with Others: Your baby is different than any other baby in the world. Don’t assume that your baby should already be eating by him/herself if your nephew or niece of the same age has started eating independently. Your baby is a unique human. Look for his/her individual gestures as a guide for when to start your child on finger foods.
Letting Your Baby Learn Self-Regulation:
The finger food stage is an important milestone for your baby to learn self-regulation and self-control. Your baby will experiment with different options for eating and gripping food and will learn what best suits his/her personal needs through trial and error. Let your child learn for him/herself. Don’t always offer your help, but do encourage your baby to self-feed. In this way, he/she will develop healthy eating habits.
Choking Risks: Always watch out for food that may be a choking hazard. First of all, cut the food into pieces that a baby can easily manage. Secondly, avoid food that becomes sticky in the mouth. Untoasted white bread, for example, becomes sticky and therefore is a choking hazard. Grapes are good and nutritious, but whole grapes are not suitable for your baby. Instead, cut one grape into two or four pieces. It is also very important that you never leave your baby when he/she alone while eating.
Good Finger Foods: There are no hard and fast rules about which foods qualify as good finger foods—any food that is healthy and nutritious makes a good finger food. However, it is recommended that the food be well cooked, easily digestible, and soft enough to be chewed and eaten by a little child.
No Added Sugar or Salt: Adding sugar or salt to baby food is a common practice in Pakistan. People often add a tablespoon of sugar to milk and yoghurt to make them more delicious for their kids. Avoid doing this so that your child will develop an appreciation for the natural taste of food. FeedingPregnancy What Is Finger Food? Any small piece of food that your baby can pick up and eat in one go can be called finger food. The ‘finger food stage’ is a great stage as far as your baby's mental and physical development is concerned. It is the stage when your baby...Pak Parenting Teamkhadija Imtinanadmin@pakparenting.comAdministratorPak Parenting
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