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Cognitive (Learning, Thinking, Problem-Solving) Milestones

Cognitive Milestones for Toddlers:

Children start learning right from their birth. They start by recognizing sounds and then voices in their environment. Their learning and thinking skills develop more and more as they grow up. Below are some of the signs parents can use to determine whether their toddlers are learning at a normal pace or not.

Your toddler (one to two years of age)

  • recognizes herself in the mirror and in pictures.
  • can match similar objects.
  • can differentiate between ‘you’ and ‘me’.
  • very proudly does things independently.
  • enjoys playing, banging, and throwing.cognitive milestone.jpg
  • copies her elders’ gestures.
  • starts using objects correctly; for example, drinking from a glass or cup and holding her hair brush correctly.
  • can put things in a container and take them out again.
  • can scribble independently.
  • tries to imitate her elders by pretending to feed her toys or take care of them, etc.
  • follows simple directions like ‘Go out’, ‘Sit down’, etc.

Your toddler (two to three years of age)

  • can identify shapes and colours.
  • can find hidden things.
  • enjoys playing hide and seek.
  • can join blocks and build a pillar of blocks.
  • follows instructions like ‘Take this book and sit on the chair’.
  • can turn book pages one by one.
  • tries to read books by talking about the pictures.
  • plays make-believe games with his toys or friends and siblings.
  • can open the fridge to get his favourite things.
  • can open and close jar lids.
  • can draw shapes and other simple objects.cognitive milestones
  • can start writing, too, if taught.
  • can understand the difference between one and more.
  • can count at least up to three.
  • can group objects such as toys, food, and clothes by category. Parenting TeamMilestones in a Toddler’s DevelopmentToddlerscognitive development,Cognitive Milestones for Toddlers,toddlersCognitive (Learning, Thinking, Problem-Solving) Milestones Cognitive Milestones for Toddlers: Children start learning right from their birth. They start by recognizing sounds and then voices in their environment. Their learning and thinking skills develop more and more as they grow up. Below are some of the signs parents can use to determine...Be  Smart Parents