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Doors and Hinges Alert!

Doors and Hinges Alert: There is a potential danger in doors, door hinges or cupboards. It is easy for children, particularly toddlers, to get their fingers jammed in moving equipment like doors, cupboards, door hinges, and even strollers. The result of jammed fingers can be broken nails, fractured fingers, or even an amputated finger.

It is important to note that in most cases, jammed finger injuries are not caused by the child himself; rather, another child is involved in the accident. For example, if another sibling or friend closes a door without looking or thinking, the younger child could get his or her finger caught and may be hurt. Parenting TeamToddler SafetyDoors and Hinges Alert!,safety,toddler,toddler care survival guide,what is a toddler?Doors and Hinges Alert! Doors and Hinges Alert: There is a potential danger in doors, door hinges or cupboards. It is easy for children, particularly toddlers, to get their fingers jammed in moving equipment like doors, cupboards, door hinges, and even strollers. The result of jammed fingers can be broken...Be  Smart Parents